jueves, 20 de marzo de 2014

my name is david fernando rivera leal , and can say that my life experiences were good , I remember as a child, at the age of about 4 years, when my father went out sailing boat , and my mother was very angry by so remember my parents fought and became separated several times , as reconciled remember also were moments of happiness and sadness. 

the happiest moments I remember are approximately 10 years, during which my mother live alone and I in a house, Christmas in that house were happier and had it since the whole family got together on this christmas our house, the area was very cheerful, and that was also the date that my parents got together and not separated more .

time later , in my 13 years or so , I had some problems in school , were not times to remember with great pleasure , but I learned several things , but the most important is that you consider a friend, is nothing but a stranger.

from that moment I started to mature a little more and learning how life is, now I have 16, and I know that the truth is what I do to have a future